Post-critical museology




The text aims to enable a clear understanding of the Anglo-Saxon concept of Postcritical museology, coined as a result of an empirical research project carried out at Tate Britain. Bringing back the fieldwork into museological research and breaking with the institutional critique for being too abstract, post-critical museology offers a system of specific methods for applied research of museum practices to test the compliance of a museum’s mission with its audiences’ and employees’ views. In terms of metamuseology, the article looks at how the term “museology” is understood in English-speaking countries, as well as which implications that approach may have for the structure of museum theory.


museology, critical museology, post-critical museology, theoretical museology, methodology of museology, Tate Britain


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Biedermann B. The theory of museology. Museology as it is—defined by two pioneers: Zbyněk Z. Stránský and Friedrich Waidacher. Museologica Brunensia, 2016, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 51–64.

Curriculum Vitae de Jesús-Pedro Lorente Lorente Profesor Titular en el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Available at: (accessed: 10.10.2017).

Desvallées A.; Mairesse F. Dictionnaire encyclopédique de muséologie. Paris, Armand Collin Publ., 2011. 776 p.

Dewdney A.; Dibosa D.; Walsh V. Post-critical museology: Theory and practice in the art museum. London; New York, Routledge Publ., 2013. 278 p.

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How to Cite

Leshchenko , A. (2017). Post-critical museology. The Issues of Museology, 8(2), 22–29.



Theoretical basement of museology