The energy of the dream of world prosperity (Museum projects for the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian revolution)


  • Irina V. Chuvilova the Museum center, “Information-analytical center of culture and tourism”; New Institute for Cultural Research, Moscow, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to an overview and analysis of museum projects dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian revolution. Preparing for the anniversary initiated a return to the difficult topic, the desire to relate modern historical knowledge of the museum and of a concept of Russian history on the whole space of the country. One of the undoubted achievements of the anniversary year was an opportunity to reflect on a difficult subject, presentation of new ideas and exhibit solutions. The author selects two main groups of museum projects with meta- and microhistory, which are disclosed through the regional aspects of the event, the individual aspects, the monologue of a single event or a single artifact, cultural theoretical reflection, personal understanding of our contemporaries.


museology, the anniversary museum projects, exhibitions, museum concepts, modern scientific research, historical narratives


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How to Cite

Chuvilova , I. (2017). The energy of the dream of world prosperity (Museum projects for the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian revolution). The Issues of Museology, 8(2), 30–43.



Museum and society