The Collection of silver jewelry in the funds of the Khorinsky regional museum


  • Liubov A. Truneva Khorinsky district museum of Local history, 21, Lenina st., village Хorinsk, Khorinsky region, The Republic of Buryatia, 671410, Russian Federation
  • Yurii V. Puzankov Irkutsk State University, 1, Karla Marksa st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the collection of silver jewelry of Buryats, stored and exhibited in the funds of the Khorinsky regional museum of local lore. Artistic metal Buryat is a classic of folk art, being the pinnacle of the creative daring of the people. The main features of applied art, artistic design of various things and objects of Buryat have long been determined by the needs of a nomadic life that dictated a certain type of collapsible and portable dwelling and its decoration, the character of household utensils and furniture, the shape of a suit suitable for hard living conditions in steppe nomadic surroundings, and also features of representations about beauty and riches. A big role is given to the pattern, after which one of the leading places in the decorative art of the Buryats is rightfully fixed. Buryat folk art, being based on a pattern, has a predominantly ornamental direction. The main stylistic features of Buryat folk art are very persistent, preserving for many decades and even centuries their specific features. The collection of silver jewelry of Khorinsky District Museum of Local History, a was formed from various sources. The key ones were: targeted purchases. A small part of the museum collection items were accepted as a gifts. In the process of acquisition, the museum collection was replenished with interesting specimens of women's and men's jewelry. The collection cannot be considered complete, but it gives a clear view about the Buryat jewelry of the 19th–20th centuries. The authors describe in detail the specifics of the Buryat culture, touch upon the history of applied art, its features, developing from the way of life of nomadic tribes. Classify ornaments, give their detailed description, history of acquisition by a museum.


art metal, the traditions of buryat people, museum collections, museum, decorating, silver, ornament, cultural, folk art


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How to Cite

Truneva, L. A., & Puzankov, Y. V. (2019). The Collection of silver jewelry in the funds of the Khorinsky regional museum. The Issues of Museology, 9(1), 124–134.



Museum collections