The principle of anthropocentrism in the design of museum expositions: the experience of the Local History Museum of Polotsk


  • Slavina V. Gavrilova Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, 22, ul. Nizhne-Pokrovskaya, Polotsk, 211400, Vitebsk region, Republic of Belarus



Local history museums make up a significant part of the museum network of the Republic of Belarus. Since a local history museum is the only museum in many cities and districts, it undoubtedly influences the formation of historical consciousness and civic position of the local community. However, not every museum presents a complete model of the history of the region. Many local museums have no exposition sections on the history of the second half of the 20th — early 21st centuries. To fill the gap, museums have increasingly begun to create permanent and temporary expositions built on the principle of anthropocentrism — the representation of history through personality. Analysis of the exposition creation practice in Belarusian local history museums allows us to identify several groups of individuals, that are presented in museums: honorary citizens of cities and districts; participants of the tragic events (military conflict, man-made disaster); prominent natives of the city and district — artists, writers, scientists, sportsmen and others. According to the author, one of the most successful expositions built on the principle of anthropocentrism is the permanent exhibition Honorary Citizens of Polotsk, opened in the Local History Museum of Polotsk in December 2016. The number of locals of all ages who attend museum events has increased. In addition, the research work of the museum staff on documenting the post-war and modern life of the city has intensified. The communication that takes place between the visitor and the hero of the museum’s story makes the exhibition more attractive, and its perception becomes emotionally colored and accessible to the visitors of various categories. Expositions built on the principle of anthropocentrism have a great potential in the implementation of cultural and educational activities of local history museums, which makes them the sociocultural centres of the region demanded by the local community.


museum, exposition, permanent exhibition, local history museum, a principle of anthropocentrism, documentation, local community, regional history


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How to Cite

Gavrilova, S. V. (2019). The principle of anthropocentrism in the design of museum expositions: the experience of the Local History Museum of Polotsk. The Issues of Museology, 9(2), 209–219.



History, theory and practice of museum exposition