Problems of interaction between branches of a museum association (on the example of the United Museum of Ural Writers)


  • Marina Yu. Kryazhevskykh United Museum of Writers of the Urals
  • Valentina N. Kardapoltseva Ural State Mining University



The article is devoted to the problems of internal communication in a museum association, which include intersectoral communication, personnel questions, the problem of inertia, as well as the conflict of tradition and innovation. The problem is considered on the basis of a survey of employees in various departments and branches of the United Museum of Ural Writers in Yekaterinburg. In the article, the existing problems are analyzed as a consequence of the modern cultural policy of the state in the museum sphere. It is also the result of competition inside the association. The author raises the problem of interaction between the employees of the museum’s collections and exhibitors, and also attempts to find a solution to this problem. In addition, contradictions in the work of the museum’s PR management are mentioned. Certain difficulties arise in the field of organizing the scientific activities of the museum because researchers are actively involved in the current largescale and educational work of the association. The survey of workers on various elements of the structure of the United Museum of Writers of the Urals made it possible to comprehend, “articulate”, a number of problems of intersectoral communication. This helped to determine the main vectors for the museum’s future development. The new development strategy of the United Museum of Writers of the Urals and new formats of museum activities are aimed at creating a new image of the association as an intercultural multifunctional platform. The leadership of the association includes all sectors and departments in solving the common problems. Thanks to this, the association is gradually overcoming the difficulties of internal communication and the isolation of branches.


museum association, museum communication, intersectoral communication, professional inertia, internal competition


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How to Cite

Marina, K., & Valentina, K. (2021). Problems of interaction between branches of a museum association (on the example of the United Museum of Ural Writers). The Issues of Museology, 12(2), 287–295.



Museum and society