Experience of socio-cultural interaction within the framework of the exhibition project “Feodor Chaliapin — alive and close”


  • Irina V. Melnik Nizhny Novgorod State Historical and Architectural Museum Reserve, 7, Verkhne-Volzskaya nab., Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russian Federation




The article deals with aspects of the museum’s socio-cultural interaction with partner organizations within the framework of the exhibition project of Nizhny Novgorod State Historical and Architectural Museum Reserve “Feodor Chaliapin — alive and close”, realized to the 150th anniversary of the singer’s birth. The emphasis is on the preservation and presentation of personal heritage. It is of great importance for the community of memory defining socio-cultural identity both in the individual life and the whole society. The modern museum is presented as a center of information, culture, scientific and artistic life, a meeting place for various age, social, professional and ethnic groups. Within these aspects changes are shown in the social role of the museum, the restructuring of the forms and methods of work aimed at improving the efficiency of the museum interaction with the socio-cultural community and visitors. The museum initiated collaboration with educational and cultural organizations and institutions, private researchers to preserve cultural memory and actualization of the heritage of F. I. Chaliapin. Features and results of this work were analyzed in the article. There were presented examples of searching for partners, points of interaction with them, and nuances of development and realization the exhibition concept. The stages of selection and scientific study of exhibits, their preparation for the exhibition, integration of partner’s items into the exhibition space were represented. The article provides an overview of local events, processes, people’s biography who were in the circle of F. I. Chaliapin. It tells about the exhibits which have memorial and historical value. The article summaries the results of cooperation in the exhibition and media communication activities of the museum. It also considers the effect of prolongation of the interaction, which is expressed in increasing of the number of events and attracting of the public attention to this topic.


anniversaries, Feodor Chaliapin, collaboration, exhibits, local history, Nizhny Novgorod State Historical and Architectural Museum, interaction


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How to Cite

Melnik, I. V. (2024). Experience of socio-cultural interaction within the framework of the exhibition project “Feodor Chaliapin — alive and close”. The Issues of Museology, 14(2), 275–288. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu27.2023.211



Museum and society