Museum as a transmedia instrument
The concept of transmedia has gradually “merged” into the modern cultural space and the field of other industries, expanding the possibilities for generating and broadcasting public content. Every day, hundreds of publications are created on various channels that carry a lot of meanings, gaining thousands of likes and views, plunging into the minds of their users
museum, transmedia, museum storytelling, culture of participation, participatory museum
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Ivanova V. S. 2019. Experience of using a culture of participation using the example of the activities of museums in Yekaterinburg. Vol. 2. Strategii razvitiia sotsial’nykh obshhnostei, institutov i territorii.Sbornik nauchnykh trudov in 2 vols. Yekaterinburg: Uralskii universitet Press. 17–175. (In Russian)
Maximina Maria. 2020. Freire Transmedia Storytelling: From Convergence to Transliteracy. URL: https://www. (accessed: 15.06.2024). Sal’nikova E. V. 2018. Era of transmedia. Voprosy sovremennoi kul’tury 4: 102–126. (In Russian)
Smirnov A. V. 2019. Participatory technologies as a new challenge to theoretical museology. The Issues of Museology 2: 153–160. (In Russian)
Vizinberg Ja. 2021. Modern museums: digital storytelling, 3D printing and robotic manipulators. URL: (accessed: 15.06.2024).
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