Encyclopedia as a form of presentation of the museum’s research activities
The article analyzes the significance of the encyclopedia “Literary Museums of Russia” as a scientific reference publication, its role in the study of theoretical and terminological issues of museology. The status of an encyclopedic publication, an interdisciplinary type of publication,which presents the whole variety of activities of literary museums in Russia in the context of modern humanitarian knowledge, is considered. In the process of working on the encyclopedia articles, the authors conducted additional scientific research on the theory and history of the formation of the scientific discourse of museology and on the issues of preserving cultural heritage objects, which required not only an increase in the vocabulary, but recorded the state of museological research at the present stage. The collective nature of the work helped the authors avoid subjectivity in describing the complex phenomena of modern museum activity and at the same time raise controversial issues. These include the creation of a refined classification of literary museums. Thus, the existing difficulties in defining the very term “literary museum” were reflected in articles devoted to exhibition activities. The modern thesaurus of the theory and practice of exhibition activities captures the dynamic process of accumulation of various information and multimedia practices and accompanying concepts and requires careful study, since it often neutralizes the specifics of a literary museum. The concept of “museum practices” is one of the key concepts used to describe modern activities of museums and is associated with the concept of “museum culture”. Consequently, the task of an encyclopedia as a scientific reference publication is not only to record the results of the activities of a particular type of museum, already tested by science and practice, but also to identify poorly studied areas of museum theory and practice.
literary museum, scientific reference publication, directions of the museum’s activities, term, concept, encyclopedic article, museum audience, exposition
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