Encyclopedia “Literary Museums of Russia” as a phenomenon of Russian culture: Names, experience, ideas


  • Mikhail S. Sudovikov Kirov Regional Scientific Library named after A. I. Herzen, 50, ul. Herzena, Kirov, 610000, Russian Federation Vyatka State University, 36, ul. Moskovskaya, Kirov, 610000, Russian Federation




The article is devoted to a large-scale research work in the field of literary museology, which has no analogues in Russian historiography, carried out according to the idea and concept of the project coordinator E. A. Vorontsova and implemented by the V. I. Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature in collaboration with the Association of Literary Museums with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the article is an analytical review of some subjects of the encyclopedia related to the formation of literary museums, mainly in the regions of the country, as well as the search for their interrelationships, common and special features in development. Using the example of the biography and creative heritage of A. S. Green, the author shows the possibilities of reading the museum history associated with the name of this writer, recorded in the encyclopedia. The active work of museums leads to the creation of communities, such as the Aksakov Community, which includes libraries, other cultural institutions, and educational institutions aimed at collecting, storing, researching and popularizing materials of the life and work of writers. The author concludes that the encyclopedia profoundly characterizes all the diversity of literary museums in Russia, among which there are museums dedicated to literary works, and library-museums that allow creating “places of memory” of writers. The article states that the chronological and thematic scope, factography with deep analysis, interdisciplinary and systematic approaches in covering the phenomena of museum culture, informative scientific reference apparatus, professionalism of the editorial and author’s teams allow us to talk about the encyclopedia as the most important event in the museum life of Russia, reflecting a high degree of its generalization, and, therefore, and as a phenomenon of Russian culture.


literary museums of Russia, encyclopedia, A. S. Green, “Grina Alexandra museums”, library-museum, local history movement


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How to Cite

Sudovikov, M. S. (2025). Encyclopedia “Literary Museums of Russia” as a phenomenon of Russian culture: Names, experience, ideas. The Issues of Museology, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu27.2024.212