Candy wrapping as a new subject of museum collection: Terminological features, history of the appearance, thematic direction


  • Alla V. Lushnikova Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, 36A, ul. Ordzhonikidze, Chelyabinsk, 454091, Russian Federation
  • Ksenia N. Denisenko Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, 36A, ul. Ordzhonikidze, Chelyabinsk, 454091, Russian Federation



Considering the terminological diversity of candy wrappers as an object included in the field of collecting, the authors propose, within the framework of a discussion, the terms philolidia, xerophilia, saculumistics through the disclosure of the etymological characteristics of the current collectible trends. The article draws attention to the variability of the use of the name of the individual protective layer of sweets (wrapper, packaging, label, candy wrapper), linking the discrepancies with the household use of the object and technological features, with production processes. The authors indicate the chronological framework for the emergence of a new material object, based on discoveries in the field of science and technology, which proposed new materials for wide use (paraffin, foil, cellophane). A brief historical annotation on the history of confectionery production with mid-19th century in Russia, not being the main objective of this article, is given to identify thematic priorities and traditions of designing a new historical source (product advertising, political order, fashion for stylistic design, the search for new style forms). Determining interest in the new object of collecting, the authors touch upon the formation of museum collections and private collections. Information on existing museums and museum collections (the Museum of Packaging (Moscow), the Museum of Chocolate and Cocoa History (Moscow), the Museum of Packaging (Perm), the Museum of the Voronezh Confectionery Factory (Voronezh), the Museum of of Chocolate History (Tambov), the Chocolate History Museum “Shoko Rua” (Ryazan), the Chocolate History Museum “Criollo” (Kirov), the Shadrinsk Town Museum of Local Lore named after V.P.Biryukov (Shadrinsk), the Museum of Labels (Yekaterinburg)) shows that state museums do not yet focus on forming collections of an interesting and quite informative source, pain the collection object is presented in museums at production centres, private museums and collections.


history, candy wrapper, philolidia, xerophilia, saculumistics, museum, collection, confectionery factory


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How to Cite

Lushnikova, A., & Denisenko, K. (2020). Candy wrapping as a new subject of museum collection: Terminological features, history of the appearance, thematic direction. The Issues of Museology, 11(1), 94–101.



Museum collections