European cultural event: Exhibitions of old Russian art in Germany in 1926 and 1929


  • Lydia A. Sychenkova Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, 18, ul. Kremlevskaya, Kazanʼ, 420008, Russian Federation



The article deals with the history of exhibitions of old Russian art in 1926–1929 in Germany. Rethinking the history of the triumphal success of exhibitions is based on the analysis of publications and letters of participants and organizers of exhibitions. Reinterpretation of the memoirs and epistolary legacy of Fyodor Schmit and Igor Grabar reveals the non-obvious subtexts of large-scale cultural projects of the 1920s. The article shows the contribution Of F. I. Schmidt and the State Institute of Art History headed by him in the organization of the first exhibition in 1926 in Germany. The article considers the attitude of the Russian German F. Schmit to German science and culture. The author is inclined to the version that the exhibition was a tragic frontier, both in the biography of the scientist and the institute’s fate. According to the author, between the exhibitions of 1926 and 1929 there is a genetic relationship, both on the subject and on the composition of the participants. The history of the exhibition of Russian icons in 1929 in the interpretation Of I. E. Grabar does not reveal a definitive image of the scientist: not only a talented art historian, organizer of the restoration business, but also a functionary who managed to fit into the system. For Soviet Museum workers, exhibitions of old Russian art in 1926 and 1929 in Germany were the first steps to gain experience in Museum marketing abroad. The author comes to the conclusion that the exhibition, despite the commercial component, performed an important scientific and educational mission. For the first time, on this scale, a panorama of the centuries-old development of Russian art abroad was presented. The author proposes the need to involve a wide range of sources from the German side to study a new aspect of the topic.


выставки древнерусского искусства 1926–1929 гг., Ф. Шмит, И. Грабарь, техника копирования, опыт музейного маркетинга, музейный мир России и Германии


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How to Cite

Sychenkova, L. (2020). European cultural event: Exhibitions of old Russian art in Germany in 1926 and 1929. The Issues of Museology, 10(2), 172–186.



History of museum field