Theater in museum: Continuation of the tradition of Princess M. K. Tenisheva


  • Olga N. Khakimulina Smolensk State Institute of Arts, Russian Federation, 214020, Smolensk, ul. Rumyantseva, 8
  • Olga G. Fedchenkova Smolensk State Institute of Arts, Russian Federation, 214020, Smolensk, ul. Rumyantseva, 8



The article is devoted to the problem of implementing the idea of theatricalization of the museum space in the Smolensk region, as the revival of the traditions set by Princess Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva. The focus of the article is on the activities of Smolensk actors Lyudmila Stepanovna Lisyukova and Nikolai Sergeyevich Konshin who updated, reinterpreted and reconsidered the information in the museum and the museum itself through artistic, decorative, dramatic, theatrical, artistic means. They made a huge contribution to the theatricalization of museums not only in the Smolensk region, but also throughout Russia. The first time their theatrical performances were held in the house-museum of Dostoevsky in Staraya Russa. It was the one-man show “Nobody else would give me so much happiness.” The use of museum theatricalization immeasurably expands the communicative potential of a modern museum. The subject of “interrelationships” between the museum and the theater (both in the theoretical and in the practical aspect), has an interdisciplinary character and is not well studied, although remains very interesting. Museum pedagogy is an innovative technology in the field of children education. It creates the conditions for immersion of the individual in a specially organized environment. The museum and children’s theater groups in this case act as partners in solving problems related to children’s upbringing and education. In the museum-pedagogical practice of Smolensk museums a special place is occupied by the children’s Theater of Books, organized by Lyudmila Stepanovna Lisyukova. This children’s theater group was the first to “master” the museum sites of the Smolensk region. The organization of the theater festival and competition “WISE OWL” is a logical step in the development of museum theatricalization.


theatricalization, museum, theater, Flenovo, Talashkino, Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva, production


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How to Cite

Khakimulina, O. N., & Fedchenkova, O. G. (2019). Theater in museum: Continuation of the tradition of Princess M. K. Tenisheva. The Issues of Museology, 9(1), 55–63.



Museum and society