Christian architecture and sculpture of European cities as an object of cultural and educational tourism


  • Anastasia Yu. Vasilenkova-Kinas Smolensk State Institute of Arts, Russian Federation, 214020, Smolensk, ul. Rumyantseva, 8
  • Olga N. Khakimulina Smolensk State Institute of Arts, Russian Federation, 214020, Smolensk, ul. Rumyantseva, 8



The article explores the subject of European architecture and sculpture of Middle Ages and early modern times as an object of cultural and educational tourism and sightseeing. The sacred shrines of two cities in Central Europe — Prague and Budapest — are in the center of our attention. We also consider Tallinn as the eastern outpost of Western European Christian culture. Monuments of architecture and sculpture are an important part of cultural and educational tourism and constitute objects of cultural heritage that combine the historical, cultural and traditional features of the people living in the country. Christian sculpture is presented primarily in cathedrals and churches. However, already during the Gothic period, it appeared frequently on the squares and streets of medieval cities. This aspect is considered not only in the religious, but also in the historical, general cultural contexts. Most of the medieval temples are available to the public thanks to the soft museumification. Among the Christian churches, the Niguliste church in Tallinn occupies a special place: a former Catholic church, then a Lutheran church, now turned to a museum and concert hall. The Niguliste Museum is one of the five branches of the Estonian Art Museum — the historical and art museum of religious art. In the exhibition, you can see the ancient coats of arms and candleholders, woodcarving and a collection of precious metals, altars and luxurious gravestones. The choice of the monuments of Christian architecture and sculpture considered is the authors’ subjective choice made by visiting the three European capitals. At the same time, the introduction of cultural and educational tourism facilities accurately reflects the historical panorama of Prague, Budapest and Tallinn.


cultural tourism, sights, Christian sculpture, cathedral, museum


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How to Cite

Vasilenkova-Kinas, A. Y., & Khakimulina, O. N. (2019). Christian architecture and sculpture of European cities as an object of cultural and educational tourism. The Issues of Museology, 9(1), 73–82.



Cultural heritage