Meeting of objects of the Karelian regional museum: acquisitions and losses of the 1920s years


  • Elena V. Dianova Petrozavodsk state university, 33, pr. Lenina, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russian Federation



In the article the activity of the Karelian regional museum in the 1920th is described. The article consists is based on archival sources and the published materials. The author has revealed the problems, connected with the safety of museum funds, for the first time on the basis of archival funds activity of the interdepartmental commission on the realization of objects from the Karelian regional museum is described, the main ways of collecting museum collections (expeditions, acquisition, donation) are also shown. The museum has established a connection with the State Russian Museum, Northwest bureau of the study of local lore and other societies and institutions. The director of the museum V.I.Krylov maintained the relations with the research expeditions working in Karelia in the 1920s. The museum has acquired or received as present samples of all natural minerals of Karelia, an effigy of birds and animals, herbariums, pictures of the artist V. N. Popov, agricultural instruments of labor and their models, tools of hunting and fishery, production of local domestic industries, household goods. At the same time museum workers sought to keep the valuable exhibits which have come to the museum during the pre-revolutionary period. Among them, there were a numismatical collection, stone tools of the Neolithic era, wooden church utensils, icons of the Pomor letter, copper icons-skladni, ancient handwritten books. Also, measures were taken for the preservation of the objects which were in rural temples and chapels, including in Nigizhemsky church of the Pudozhsky County, the Peter and Paul church at Marcial Waters. Negotiations on transfer to the Karelian regional museum of the things belonging to the Vygoretsky Old Belief monastery were conducted. At the same time, the museum meeting was replenished with objects according to the social order of the Soviet state.


Karelian regional museum, museum pieces, funds and collections, museum exhibitions and departments, collecting, withdrawal and receipt of objects


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How to Cite

Dianova, E. V. (2019). Meeting of objects of the Karelian regional museum: acquisitions and losses of the 1920s years. The Issues of Museology, 9(2), 242–255.



Museum collections