Museum as the basis of the “school”: Dusseldorf Art Gallery and the Dusseldorf school of painting


  • Tatyana E. Savitskaya Saratov State Radishchev Art Museum, 75, Pervomayskaya ul., Saratov, 410031, Russian Federation



The article demonstrates the influence of the Dusseldorf Art Gallery (1714–1805) on the formation of the Dusseldorf school of painting — one of the leading European schools of the XIX century. The history of the establishment and formation of the collection is briefly considered, and the activities of the founder of the art gallery, Johann Wilhelm (1658–1716), as a reformer of the museum business are characterized. The collection is analyzed, and a significant predominance of works of the Dutch school is noted as its special feature. The author points out that the gallery was primarily a learning center for artists studying at the Dusseldorf Academy of Arts (1773). After Dusseldorf became a part of the Kingdom of Prussia, a new stage began and the gallery was transformed into the Royal Academy of Arts. This happened in 1819, which is officially considered the year when the Dusseldorf school of painting was born. It is noted that the influence of the Dusseldorf school extended far beyond European borders, including Russia and particularly Saratov where the artist A. P. Bogolyubov founded the Radishevsky Museum. He came up with the idea of creating a museum while studying in Dusseldorf. The example of the Dusseldorf Gallery demonstrates the importance of the museum as a collection of samples, the basis for the emergence of the “school” in two meanings — an educational institution and the development of an artistic tradition.


Dusseldorf Art Gallery, Dusseldorf school of painting, XVIII century, art collections, A. P. Bogolyubov, Saratov Art Museum


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How to Cite

Savitskaya, T. E. (2021). Museum as the basis of the “school”: Dusseldorf Art Gallery and the Dusseldorf school of painting. The Issues of Museology, 12(1), 48–57.



Museum collections