Pedagogical and mentoring activities of the blind writer Vasily Eroshenko as a subject of research in the work of his memorial museum
The article examines the study of the activities of the symbolist writer, professional typhlopedagogue and wise mentor, Vasily Yakovlevich Eroshenko (12.01.1890–12.23.1952), as one of the priority areas of work of the House Museum of V. Ya. Eroshenko in his homeland — in the Starooskolsky region. The writer, a native of the village of Obukhovka, Starooskolsky district, Kursk province (now Starooskolsky district, Belgorod region), lived and worked, including creating schools for the visually impaired, in different countries of the world. Blinded at an early age, he understood the problems of the blind like no one else and studied all his life, engaged in self-education, thanks to this he was able to achieve success in various fields of activity. Vasily Yakovlevich’s innovative pedagogical method brought effective results, his students were able to live a full life and bring all possible benefits to society. The authors of the article highlight the main aspects of the writer’s worldview aimed at creating schools for the blind in different countries. V. Ya. Eroshenko considered the boarding school for the blind in Turkmenistan to be the main business of his life. The article contains the memoirs of his grateful Turkmen students. The memoirs are kept in the funds of the Starooskolsky Museum of Local Lore, they are written in a living language. One can imagine what a sensitive and wonderful teacher V. Ya. Eroshenko was. His unique teaching methods and extraordinary organizational skills motivated people with disabilities to live a full life. One of the priorities in the activities of the literary Memorial House Museum of V. Ya. Eroshenko is the popularization of the ascetic life and the unique literary and pedagogical experience of the writer and mentor. The staff of the house museum has experience in creating and implementing projects aimed at the socio-cultural rehabilitation of the visually impaired, thus they continue the mission of Eroshenko himself. The expediency of broadcasting such an experience is justified. It is concluded that the results of this study are relevant and in demand in modern museum realities.
House Museum of V. Ya. Eroshenko, blind tiflopedagogue, mentor, Vasily Yakovlevich Eroshenko, creation of schools for blind people, pedagogical methodology
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