Books in museum library collections as a source for the study and representation of significant events in Russian history of the first quarter of the 20th century (on the example of publications from the Civil War period 1917–1922)


  • Oksana V. Narizhnaya The Eastern Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, 7, ul. Sverdlova, Kerch, Republic of Crimea, 298320, Russian Federation



The article describes the documents from collections of the scientific library of the East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve published in Crimea during the Civil War of 1917–1922. These documents are book monuments as copies published in the important period of Russian history in the first quarter of the XX century in accordance with the sociovalue criterion. Publications are considered both as objects for the scientific study of the documentary sources themselves, and from the point of view of potential exhibits of the museum exposition. The publications allow for the most complete and widespread coverage of one of the most complex and controversial moments in the history of Russia. The historical conditions of the functioning of the national economy and certain aspects of social life, reflected in the sources studied, are examined. Among them are the publishing industry, public education, museums, the activities of the system of internal affairs bodies and local self-government. Considerable attention is paid to the study of local history publications, reflecting the development of history and archeology of the indicated period and containing valuable information on the history of Crimea. A number of brochures are presented, which methodological recommendations for teaching individual academic disciplines in a unified labor school. Educational and practical publications occupy a significant place among the analyzed documents. They contain excerpts from the works of ancient Roman authors published in Latin and serve as readers for the study of the classical Latin language in the gymnasium. The content and physical safety of publications, their attributive features, are described: book signs, labels, handwritten notes, autographs are described as a result of historical and bibliographical analysis.


book monuments, Civil War 1917–1922, Crimea, Kerch, Eastern Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, printing houses, book signs, document preservation, digitization of the fund


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How to Cite

Narizhnaya, O. V. (2020). Books in museum library collections as a source for the study and representation of significant events in Russian history of the first quarter of the 20<sup>th</sup> century (on the example of publications from the Civil War period 1917–1922). The Issues of Museology, 11(2), 259–274.



Museum collections