Museum in memory of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty (Romanov Museum) in Simferopol: From the history of an unrealized project


  • Vladimir V. Kalinovsky St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article examines a little-known story from the history of museum work in the Crimea: an attempt to create a Museum in Simferopol in memory of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov House (Romanov Museum). It is noted that this idea suggested combining the collections of the Museum of Antiquities of the Taurida Scientific Archival Commission and the Natural History Museum of the Taurida Provincial Zemstvo. Both museums had unique collections, but did not have suitable facilities for storing and exhibiting items. It is indicated that the idea of creating a comprehensive museum in the Taurida province belonged to the prominent Zemstvo leader A.H. Steven, however, for many years the construction was not possible due to lack of adequate funding. In 1912, the idea of the necessity of opening a museum was expressed by the Taurida Governor P.N.Apraksin. A year later, it was decided to coincide with the construction of the museum building in Simferopol on the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty, which was widely celebrated in the Russian Empire. The idea was enthusiastically received by the local intelligentsia, preparatory work related to finding a place for the museum building began. An active supporter of the creation of the museum was an outstanding Crimean local historian A.I.Markevich, who has repeatedly appeared in the press with articles that emphasized the importance of creating a museum in Simferopol. Assistance in preparation for the opening of the new institution was also provided by the famous entomologist S.A.Mokrzhetsky, who travelled to St. Petersburg on this issue. Taurida Provincial Zemstvo allocated funds for the construction of the building. Further plans to open the Romanov Museum in Simferopol were prevented by the First World War.


Museum in memory of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty (Romanov Museum), Simferopol, Taurida, Crimea, A.I.Markevich, S.A.Mokrzhetsky


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How to Cite

Kalinovsky, V. (2020). Museum in memory of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty (Romanov Museum) in Simferopol: From the history of an unrealized project. The Issues of Museology, 11(1), 25–37.



History of museum field