The actor-network theory of B. Latur and porcelain services of classicism: the relevance of a museological discussion


  • Tatiana A. Litvin St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



In this article an attempt is made to tell about the actor-network theory of the French sociologist B. Latur in application to the history of the creation and existence of ceremonial services of the second half of the 18th century. For demonstration of separate provisions of the theory of Latur, the most known porcelain and faience services of the German, French, English and Russian manufactories from the era of early and strict classicism were chosen. The author tells about the transition of motives and forms from the Sevres “Service with cameos” and the “Berlin” service to Russian “Arabeskovy”, “Kabinetsky”, “The Dowry” and other services. The article mentions the silver services executed by the Parisian masters J.-N. Roettiers, R.-J. Auguste, etc., for the brothers Orlov, who helped Catherine II to occupy the throne, and also silver services for deputies of the new provinces founded by the Russian empress. The history of the creation of services illustrates a continuous chain of administrative reforms, military conflicts, political and personal events and also changes in artistic taste. By means of the ceremonial objects on which ware was carried for ceremonial lunches, the European monarchs not only subtly affected style and fashion in Russia, but also skillfully played politics. While Catherine II accepted gifts and made large orders for European and domestic production, she successfully engaged with her closest partners in diplomacy and economy, waged information war, and made dynastic plans. Many facts specified in the article prove that Bruno Latur’s concept about the active impact of things on social and political relations is confirmed in practice. Latur’s approach to studying material monuments, artifacts, and decorative arts is demanded by the modern science of history of art.


Bruno Latur, actor-network theory, arts and crafts, porcelain, services, Catherine II, material culture, method


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How to Cite

Литвин, Т. (2019). The actor-network theory of B. Latur and porcelain services of classicism: the relevance of a museological discussion. The Issues of Museology, 10(1), 4–15.



Theoretical basement of museology