The visit of Emperor Nicholas II to “Warehouse of local antiquities” in Chersonesos in 1902 in the context of relations between archaeologists and the Orthodox clergy


  • Vladimir V. Kalinovsky St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the visit of Emperor Nicholas II to Chersonesos in 1902 and his visit to the local Museum. On the basis of materials from archives, diaries and publications the author highlights the main episodes of this event, characterizes the state of “Warehouse of local antiquities” and contradictions that arose between archaeologists and Orthodox clergy. The relationship between the head of excavations K. K.Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich and Bishop of the Tauride Nicholas (Ziorov), their actions during the Imperial visit to Chersonesos and after it are demonstrated. The author shows the influence of the Imperial visit on the projects the functioning of the museum buildings in Chersonesos, including the idea of establishing Museum of Christian antiquities. It is noted that the reaction to the Imperial visit was the letter of the Countess P.S. Uvarova, who proposed the reorganization of the Museum in Chersonesos.


Chersonesos, Nicholas II, K. K.Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich, Bishop Nicholas (Ziorov), museum


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How to Cite

Kalinovsky , V. (2017). The visit of Emperor Nicholas II to “Warehouse of local antiquities” in Chersonesos in 1902 in the context of relations between archaeologists and the Orthodox clergy. The Issues of Museology, 8(2), 67–77.



History of museum field