Museum formation in Palekh (Part II: 1945–1990)




The article examines the activities of the State Museum of Palekh Art in Palekh settlement of Ivanovo region in the post-war period of the USSR existence, the main achievements and problems of the museum during this time are revealed. The purpose of the article is o give a detailed description of the post-war stage of the activity of the State Museum of Palekh Art (1945–1990) as the most important in understanding the achievements and problems in the museum life of Palekh at its present stage. The article reveals the contribution of Vitaly Timofeevich Kotov to the development of the Palekh Museum during this period. A brief description of the unrealized projects of the Palekh Museum is given, as well as the reasons for their non-fulfillment. The author comes to the conclusions that the achievements of the Palekh Museum in this period can be divided into three main areas: spreading knowledge about the Palekh Museum among the population; replenishment of museum funds; finally, a significant expansion of the museum area due to the creation of several museum branches (historical house-museum, historical house workshop).


laquer miniature, Palekh, the State Museum of Palekh Art, historic house-museum, Ivanovo region, Vitaliy Timofeevich Kotov


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How to Cite

Lavrov , D. . (2017). Museum formation in Palekh (Part II: 1945–1990). The Issues of Museology, 8(2), 78–86.



History of museum field