Picture frames from the Romanov Gallery of the Imperial Hermitage. To the history of creation and existence


  • Oksana A. Lysenko The State Russian Museum, 4, ul. Inzhenernaya, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation




Picture frames still remain on the periphery for Russian specialists. As a result, the vast majority of these works of decorative art in museum collections remain unexplored, and paintings are often exhibited in random frames that curators have chosen to their taste. Experts also overlook the important fact that studying the history of frames can significantly expand the idea of interiors of past centuries in which they were an important part of the decoration. Of undoubted interest are the frames from the former imperial collections. A significant portion of these frames adorned the interiors of the Winter Palace and the Hermitage. Many picture frames were made by Russian carvers commissioned by the Imperial Court. In particular, these include frames for the gallery of portraits of the “Highest Persons of the Romanov Family”, an idea which obviously originated from Nicholas I. The emperor’s plan was large-scale: to present in the gallery portraits of all the ruling Romanovs together with their spouses and children. Work on the creation of the Romanov Gallery began in late 1844. In December the head of the 2nd department of the Hermitage, F. I. Labensky received orders to deliver to the Minister of the Imperial Court, Prince P. M. Volkonsky, “a register of all the family portraits of the Highest Persons located in the Hermitage and in all the Imperial Palaces.” The design for frames was created almost simultaneously. Its author, unfortunately, is unknown. In March 1845, in a business correspondence between Prince Volkonsky and Labensky, the creation of frames for the gallery was mentioned. 108 carved gilded frames for grand and small portraits of the gallery were made by master Alexander Rybakov. Today, many of these frames are in the collection of the Russian Museum and the Hermitage.


frame, picture, picture frame, portrait, interior, Romanov gallery, Imperial Hermitage, carving, gilding, master, carver, museum


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How to Cite

Lysenko, O. (2020). Picture frames from the Romanov Gallery of the Imperial Hermitage. To the history of creation and existence. The Issues of Museology, 10(2), 161–171. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu27.2019.203



History of museum field