National museums of communication and postal service in postal miniature of Germany, France and Russia


  • Evgeny N. Metelkin St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaia nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Tatiana E. Sohor St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaia nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



In the second half of the 19th century, almost simultaneously with the establishment of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1874, postal museums began to open across Europe. The first postal museums opened in the UPU founding countries — Germany and Russia. The objectives and concepts of these museums were presented differently to their organizers. In Germany they tried to cover the history of the world mail, in Russia — the development of telegraph, as the most modern means of communication, and France — demonstrated a desire to become the capital of typology. The creation of postal museums, which were seen not only as cultural phenomena but also as a national strategic element, also involved national governments (or their departments). The Second World War changed not only philatelic themes, but also influenced changes in display activities. Today there are postal museums in virtually every country in the world, but not every philatelic production reflects the stages of their creation and development. Images of world postal museums, their creators and exhibits in the Timbrology media space emphasize that postage stamps, in addition to their main purpose — payment for postal messages, perform supplementary functions — advertising and educational.


Communication Museum in Berlin, Ernst Heinrich von Stephan, Postal Museum in Paris, Eugène Weier, Museum of Communication in St. Petersburg, Karl Karlovich Lueders, Alexander Stepanovich Popov


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Бажитова Л. И. 2007. Н. Е. Славинский — первый директор Почтово-телеграфного музея в Санкт-Петербурге. Электросвязь: история и современность 2: 9–11.

Далдюль С. 2009. Памятник ВПС отмечает свое 100-летие. Union Postale 3: 17–19.

Фролова О. В., Васильева Т. С. 2020. А. С. Попов на отечественных почтовых марках: правда и художественный вымысел. СПбНТОРЭС: Труды ежегодной НТК 1 (75): 283–286.

Martin Hella. 2006. Du Musée postal de France au musée de La Poste. L’Écho de la timbrologie 1802 (December): 38–42.

Vaillé E. 1947–1955. Histoire générale des Postes françaises in 7 vols. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.


Bazhitova L. I. 2007. N. E. Slavinsky — the first director of the Post and Telegraph Museum in St Petersburg. Elektrosviaz’: Istoriia i sovremennost’ 2: 9–11. (In Russian)

Daldul’ S., 2009. The UPU monument celebrates its 100th anniversary. Union Postale 3: 17–19. (In Russian)

Frolova O. V., Vasilieva T. S. 2020. Popov on Russian postage stamps: Truth and fiction. SPbNTORES: Trudy ezhegodnoi NTK 1 (75): 283–286. (In Russian)

Martin Hella. 2006. Du Musée postal de France au musée de La Poste. L’Écho de la timbrologie 1802 (December): 38–42.

Vaillé E. 1947–1955. Histoire générale des Postes françaises in 7 vols. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.



How to Cite

Metelkin, E. N., & Sohor, T. E. (2024). National museums of communication and postal service in postal miniature of Germany, France and Russia. The Issues of Museology, 14(2), 146– 160.



History of museum field