The museum space of the university as a socio-cultural factor in the development of the student community (the example of Irkutsk)


  • Ekaterina V. Sayaparova Irkutsk State University, 1, ul. Karla Marksa, Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation



The article discusses the need for the formation of a museum space in universities. The university museum, functioning in the structure of an educational institution, acquires features of the traditionally established characteristics of cultural and educational institutions, which for centuries have been carrying out the process of transferring knowledge and skills, experience and elements of human culture. The revitalization of museum activities is one of the factors contributing to the development of the scientific, and cultural, creative potential of students. The study of domestic science, history, culture, and art on the basis of museums as well as museum and exhibition centers are not only of great educational and educational value, but also has a tremendous impact and emotional impact on the emerging personality of students. Being an integral component in the system of training students of any university, the museum is a center that brings together student interests. The university museum not only fulfills its traditional functions of preserving the historical and cultural heritage, but it is also the most important tool for the socialization of students. As a center for educational, scientific, and cultural work, the museum acts as a base for students to carry out various projects and other activities. Creative, research, educational groups and associations, conducting their work on the basis of the museum, allow students to fulfill their own potential in various fields of activity. The actualization of the museum in the role of forming a single student space is also facilitated by holding events of various profiles on the basis of museum expositions. Thus, the university museum is an important element not only of the learning process, but also of educational activity, contributing to the process of integrating students into the educational space of the university, and strengthening the student community.


museums of universities, student community, creativity, education, cultural and educational work, upbringing


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How to Cite

Sayaparova, E. (2021). The museum space of the university as a socio-cultural factor in the development of the student community (the example of Irkutsk). The Issues of Museology, 12(1), 80–87.



Education at the Museum