95 years of the foundation of the Bureau of Educational Work of the Russian Museum (1928). Archival documents
The departmental archive of the Russian Museum stores documents that are only now being put into circulation by scientific researchers. The enlightenment business, which has existed and developed for a century, has been the subject of point-by-point scientific study until now. The relevance of this study is to restore the identified gap. The Government of the Country of Soviets has set the task of educating a new person. For this purpose, the best forces of the country were gathered and cultural and educational institutions were founded for the development of various aspects of the personality of a child and a teenager. Since 1922, the Cultural and Educational Commission has been working in the Russian Museum, its task is “work among the masses”: lectures at enterprises, in leisure institutions. Her tasks included collecting applications for excursions, mastering the material with the help of library resources, advising single visitors. The School Commission is also well deployed, in addition to school education, clubs and sections have opened in the Russian Museum. On February 28, 1928, the Bureau of the Educational Service was established in the Russian Museum. The birth of a special unit in the structure of museum construction of the Soviet state marked the beginning of a new stage of museology — excursion and educational. The museum’s research and educational activities are increasingly converging and becoming an important means of cultural and educational activities.
Bureau of Educational Service, excursion, lecture, museum communication, Russian Museum, Hermitage, educational activities, museum audience
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