A modest artist’s place in history: The legacy of Mikhail Gurevich in the Smolensk gallery


  • Sofiya A. Pushenkova Smolensk State Institute of Arts, 8, ul. Rumyantseva, Smolensk, 214000, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4825-3421
  • Olga N. Khakimulina Smolensk State Institute of Arts, 8, ul. Rumyantseva, Smolensk, 214000, Russian Federation




The article is a study conducted in the framework of the scientific interests of the author: the study of the history and theory of the Russian avant-garde in the Smolensk region. The purpose of this study is to draw attention to the problem of the low level of knowledge of the avant-garde heritage in the Smolensk region through the analysis of current events in the museum and exhibition environment. The article discusses the exhibition “MG /Humble Artist/”, held in the Art Gallery of Smolensk in February-March 2020. M. G. are the initials of the artist Mikhail Gurevich who was born in Smolensk. Gurevich was a student of the famous David Shterenberg, one of his best graduates and a representative of the creative galaxy of artists — graduates of the Higher Art and Technical Institute. In addition to the analysis of the features of Gurevich’s work, the role of the artist’s work in the cultural process of the USSR in the 1930s is evaluated. The author also provides clarifications concerning the artist’s biography. The heritage of the Russian avant-garde is an important component of the cultural heritage of Russia and has great potential in the tourism sector. The work of the avant-garde era in the regions is often not given due attention, but fortunately, this trend has changed in the last few years. Research of this type will make it possible in the future to expand the knowledge base on the history of Russian art, as well as expand the scope of scientific research in museums by creating new exhibits. Therefore, support for research on the work of regional artists of the avant-garde era, and coverage of events and activities that are the results of these studies, is very important.


museums, exhibition, exhibition business, Smolensk, Smolensk artists, Mikhail Lvovich Gurevich, Russian avant-garde, provincial museums, artistic heritage


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How to Cite

Pushenkova, S. A., & Khakimulina, O. N. (2020). A modest artist’s place in history: The legacy of Mikhail Gurevich in the Smolensk gallery. The Issues of Museology, 11(2), 239–247. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu27.2020.208



History, theory and practice of museum exposition