Chinese art in the Tang Dynasty and the forms of its presentation in museums of the People’s Republic of China at the beginning of the 21st century


  • Xiang Yuning St. Petersburg State University
  • Xiang Bingzhe Beijing Jiangong Architectural Design and Research Institute



The topic of this study is a realistic due to the fact that in Chinese history, the Tang Dynasty (618–907) is considered as the peak of national strength. It is during this period that ancient China became the center of economic and cultural exchanges with a number of states in the  medieval world. Thanks to stable social development and the steadily developing economy, Chinese art of this period flourished. To this day, it has a special meaning for both Chinese and Asian cultures. The article examines the presentational forms of the art of Tang Dynasty in historical and art museums of the People’s Republic of China at the beginning of the 21st century: an overview of the history of Tang Dynasty and its art is presented, the collections of museum objects — works of fine art of the Tang Dynasty in Chinese museums are considered, and specific forms of art presentation are analyzed, such as expositions, exhibitions, online exhibitions, educational programs and projects implemented in cooperation with the media. The research is based on original sources of museum origin (materials from museums’ official websites, interviews conducted with museum employees) and a body of regulatory and administrative documents covering museum policy developments in the People’s Republic of China.


Chinese art, Tang Dynasty, art presentation, museum, China


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How to Cite

Yuning, X., & Bingzhe, X. (2021). Chinese art in the Tang Dynasty and the forms of its presentation in museums of the People’s Republic of China at the beginning of the 21st century. The Issues of Museology, 12(2), 257–267.



Museum collections